Franchise potential.
At every level LYRICS excites, inspires, motivates, challenges and rewards our audience with an emotional connection between the songs they love and the stories that have become deeply interwoven into our very soul. We will use an extensive, almost infinite catalog of crowd-pleasing songs that will keep our audience engaged, as they wait for their favorite band to come into the story, at the same time they discover their new favorite group.
LYRICS as a TV SERIES has the potential to run for at least 200+ episodes. As each season will focus on a new and fresh crime saga, there will be an opportunity to bring more Muses into play, relieving our three main muses from the action occasionally.
Just the music contest aspect of this has massive viewer and profit potential. Over the course of a season we will create an entirely new soundtrack for the next generation. Inspired by current mega-hits, we appeal to the millions of kids from 18 to 80 to write, produce, and perform songs that the original bands would have written “back in the day”.
Maybe some 22 year old out there will write a follow on to Hotel California featuring the line “steely knives can’t kill the beast”. Maybe someone somewhere on the net is able to “channel” Don Henley and Don Felder, and can write and perform a song that has the exact same vibe as any Eagles song. We let the world vote, then at the end of our regular season, we have a “write off and play off” contest with the same excitement as generated by AGT or Idol.
Bringing unique and exclusive content is the priority for this project, and the purpose of LYRICS is to get and keep an enormous audience and build a platform of muse-inspired creativity that helps people reach a higher level of personal expression and happiness. Just the sale of streaming audios and season soundtracks (think Glee or Bombshell) produce a never-ending cash-flow!