A Little Character Development: Pure Wicked Magic
Rosalie here again to drill down to a little…
“character development”
To move beyond the broad strokes…
To the exciting inner workings of LYRICS!
At its core, LYRICS™ is a twisted, tortured love story between two psychopaths…
“ Much like the love slash hate relationship between Fitz, the President of the United States and Olivia Pope in Scandal... or the venomous hate slash hate animosity between Amanda slash Emily Thorn and the evil queen, Victoria Grayson in Revenge... ”
LYRICS™ examines the forbidden love between beautiful, bi-sexual women who are driven by two primal emotions: sex and power.
Both, our corrupt LA DA and her enforcer-hit-woman, find the thrill of the kill in the same league as the power to control — the perfect example of the old saying that “power corrupts… absolute power corrupts absolutely!”
Exposing this nerve of corruption while we see new music being produced in this corrosive environment is the true miracle of creation… what we call The Soul of Music.
There is no question that the story BEHIND the song reflects the eternal quest to express our deepest fears… our deepest feelings… and our deepest hopes and dreams.
LYRICS™ connects our hopes and dreams against the backdrop of fear and terror we live every single day…
Pure Wicked Magic!
The Main Characters.
Our Three Muses
Mira, Erika, and Zeliena are sent down to earth from Mount Olympus after a long series of perpetual misfires. They are on their 15th last chance and they are known in the clan as the screwup muses, not muses for the screwup-challenged on earth needing their help. The reason behind their banishment is up for grabs. Is it because they weren’t up to the standards of the other six muses? Is it a call for change? Was it because it was long ago in the middle ages when they only inspired a mediocre “gospel-hit” at the Vatican’s boys choir? None of it matters, as they now find themselves in LA, without the possibility to go back until they redeem themselve

Mira, the oldest of the three. Black, beautiful, and angry. She thinks that she deserves to be back home and that everything was a mistake. She doesn’t feel at home here. She hates pressure and is easily frazzled and easily confused. However, once Sparks’ case comes to her attention, she thinks her ticket back home is to get into the thick of it and help solve the crimes.
She is the leader of the trio, she makes the tough decisions, and she offers maturity, but sometimes her obsession to do things by the book may block her from enjoying the small and beautiful moments that life offers to us… and is where her obsession with detail leads to a failure to grasp the big picture.
Of the three, she is something of a racial bigot, seeing the world as nothing but races at war with each other, and she intends to do something about it.

Erika, lilly-white, flirty, and sensuous. Erika thinks that this may be an opportunity to earn back the trust of the immortals who voted to send the trio down to earth—a moment in time where they can build themselves back up. She offers balance to the team, she is wise and thoughtful, but she can’t always pick a side, and that affects the way people trust in her.
She, much like Maggie Q in Nikita, is gorgeous but skilled in every martial art known to man or even to the immortals. While clearly mortal, her beauty and mental toughness combine to be the “muscle” the trio needs to succeed.

And finally, Zeliena the Latina, the youngest of the three. She is timid, directionless, and a bit spacey. Zeliena has the heart to get into the battle and wants to do right no matter the consequences. But sometimes she struggles to see the real world as it is, which often disappoints her (and the team) and ultimately brings her down. Clearly the nervousNellie of the trio, Zeliena needs her own muse to filter her anxiety and supply the positive attitude to inspire others to greatness.
Zeliena had been watching the Sparks ordeal for awhile and from afar. She knows his heart and is convinced of his innocence—unlike Mira and Erika who are constantly conflicted by the facts.
Zeliena operates on faith, not facts, so while she is usually right, her blind faith consistently backfires at the worst possible time, causing massive repercussions that Mira and Erika must rectify. They are the fixers and Zeliena the muse that constantly needs to be fixed!

Sparks, an in-demand musician and producer whose past and family ties have driven him to make mistakes in an industry that never forgives and never forgets. He tries to be a good person and leave behind the bad influences in his life that do no good for him. But, in the pilot, he is wrongfully blamed and convicted for eight different murders and possible 4 cold case hooker deaths.
There are rumors that his family crime syndicate is back in play, but he is not aware of those claims. However, people in high places use this rumor to a create a false case to frame him and get him behind bars. Sparks represents the reluctant hero in a battle of good over greed, murder, and cartel funded political power.